On the Floor


This photo on the other hand: I was never quite satisfied with it. I should have put a small pillow under her head to lift it up a little and create a more relaxed and natural facial expression and the perspective of the fake stone floor is rather confusing.

Be that as it may – people seems to really like it and I always get nice comments about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Woman on the floor, photographed from above

Silhouette of a Pregnant Woman

Today I’ll show you three pictures in a row of S. when she was pregnant with twins and I didn’t want to do the typical plushy baby belly shoots.

I like doing sets of photos instead of just single shots, but the fact that Instagram has conditioned me to doing sets of three also upsets me a litte.

Silhouette of a pregnant woman in front of an octabox
Silhouette of a pregnant woman in front of an octabox
Silhouette of a pregnant woman in front of an octabox