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More pretty girls an flowers.
Spring is in the air

Yes, it is spring and I’m not afraid to do some cliché photos of nice women in magnolia bushes. I know some miserable people online hate on that. Just wait ’til they see the cherry blossoms.
On Fire

This is the first composing I ever did in Photoshop. I’d love to learn a little more about this, although the heavily composed images you often see are not really my thing. But for subtle things like this … Why not?
Shitty road trip
I shot these on my Instax mini 90 and Instax black and white film for the #ShittyCameraChallenge over on Twitter. It was one of the most expensive trips to the gas station I ever took.

Fine as wine

Behind glas


Wind turbines
I have a deep love for analog photography. You don’t see much of it here at the moment, because a lot of the pictures I take on film are personal and family pictures that don’t belong in public. But soon that is going to change. I’m about to open a new gallery section dedicated to film and I have some interesting projects planned.
This picture was taken on expried (10 years) APX 400, shot @ISO 800 in a Minox 35 GT, and developed in Rodinal. I just love grain.