On Fire

This is the first composing I ever did in Photoshop. I’d love to learn a little more about this, although the heavily composed images you often see are not really my thing. But for subtle things like this … Why not?

On the Floor


This photo on the other hand: I was never quite satisfied with it. I should have put a small pillow under her head to lift it up a little and create a more relaxed and natural facial expression and the perspective of the fake stone floor is rather confusing.

Be that as it may – people seems to really like it and I always get nice comments about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Woman on the floor, photographed from above


I like doing these simple, rembrandtesque studio portraits. This is one of me when I needed a haircut.

Head shot of a man in black and white

Ewa in Black and White

Let’s start with the nudes.
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